Volume Control
Application-specific hotkeys for Windows
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VolumeControl.WPF.Behaviors Namespace Reference


class  DisableMouseWheelBehavior
 Behavior that prevent the mouse wheel from triggering events. More...
class  EscapeRemovesFocusBehavior
 Removes logical and/or keyboard focus from the attached control when the Escape key is pressed. More...
class  HyperlinkOpenInBrowserBehavior
 Hyperlink behavior that opens the link in the default browser. More...
class  MouseWheelListViewBehavior
 Behavior<T> that enables the mouse wheel to increment/decrement the selected item in a ListView. More...
class  MouseWheelNumericUpDownBehavior
 Behavior<T> that enables the mouse wheel to change the value of NumericUpDown controls. More...
class  MouseWheelRangeBaseBehavior
 Behavior<T> that enables the mouse wheel to change the value of controls based on RangeBase. More...
class  ScrollViewerHorizontalScrollBehavior
 Scrolls horizontally when scrolling while holding SHIFT in TextBoxBase controls. More...
class  TextBoxAutocompleteBehavior
 Behavior that implements autocomplete suggestions for TextBox controls. More...
class  TextBoxEnterUpdatesTextSourceBehavior
 Forces the TextBox.Text property's data binding to update its source when the Enter key is pressed or released. More...
class  TextBoxHorizontalScrollBehavior
 Scrolls horizontally when scrolling while holding SHIFT in TextBoxBase controls. More...
class  TextBoxInputFilterBehavior
 TextBox behavior that uses regular expressions to only allow certain types of input. More...