▼NVolumeControl | |
▼NCore | |
►NAttributes | |
CDataTemplateProviderAttribute | Indicates that this class is a ITemplateProvider or ITemplateDictionaryProvider for action setting DataTemplates |
CHotkeyActionAttribute | Indicates that this is a hotkey action method |
CHotkeyActionGroupAttribute | Indicates that the associated class contains hotkey action methods marked with HotkeyActionAttribute |
CHotkeyActionSettingAttribute | Specifies an action setting for the associated hotkey action method |
►NEnum | |
CEVirtualKeyCodeExtensions | Extends the EVirtualKeyCode enumeration |
►NEvents | |
CInterruptEventArgs | Event arguments that include an incoming and outgoing value, as well as a settable Handled property to interrupt the sender |
►NExtensions | |
CKeyboardDeviceExtensions | Extension methods for the KeyboardDevice class |
CKeyExtensions | Defines extension methods for various types of Key/ModifierKey enumerations |
►NHelpers | |
CGetWin32Error | Exposes the Win32 FormatMessage & GetLastError functions |
CStringHelper | Defines helper methods & extension methods for creating nicely-formatted strings |
►NInput | |
►NActions | |
►NSettings | |
CActionSettingDefinition | Defines an action setting, and provides methods for creating action setting instances |
CActionSettingInstance | Container for a named parameter that is passed to an action method when invoked |
CIActionSettingInstance | Represents an action setting instance |
CHotkeyActionDefinition | Represents the definition of a hotkey action, including metadata and the reflection classes for targeting the method |
CHotkeyActionInstance | An instance of a hotkey action |
CHotkeyActionManager | Manages a list of HotkeyActionDefinitions |
NEnums | |
►NExceptions | |
CActionSettingNotFoundException | Represents errors that occur when a hotkey action setting wasn't found in a HotkeyPressedEventArgs instance |
CHotkeyRegistrationException | Represents an error that occurs while registering or unregistering a hotkey |
CInvalidActionSettingValueTypeException | Represents type errors that occur from the ActionSettingInstance<T> class |
CInvalidDataTemplateProviderTypeException | Represents errors that occur when the specified Attributes.HotkeyActionSettingAttribute.DataTemplateProviderType does not implement ITemplateProvider |
CInvalidProviderTypeException | Represents errors that occur because a type that does not implement ITemplateProvider or ITemplateDictionaryProvider was used as a DataTemplate provider in an action setting |
►NJson | |
CJsonHotkey | Contains the JSON object representation of a Hotkey instance |
CJsonActionSettingValue | JSON container for toggleable action settings |
CHotkey | A hotkey that executes an action when pressed |
CHotkeyActionAddonLoader | Provides methods to load HotkeyActionDefinition instances from types or assemblies using reflection |
CHotkeyExtensions | Defines extension methods for the IHotkey interface |
CHotkeyManager | Manages a list of Hotkey instances |
CHotkeyMessageHookAbstractor | Maintains a single message hook for multiple hotkeys with the same key combination to allow them all to be "registered" at the same time |
CHotkeyPressedEventArgs | Event arguments for hotkey action events |
CHotkeyRegisteringEventArgs | Provides data for the hotkey Registering and Unregistering events |
CHotkeyWithError | A Hotkey that also maintains an error state property |
CIHotkey | Represents a Win32 global hotkey |
CIHotkeyMessageHook | Represents an object that can be added to the hotkey message hook system |
CTemplateProviderManager | Manages ITemplateProvider & ITemplateDictionaryProvider instances to provide action settings with a suitable value editor DataTemplate |
►NStructs | |
CTargetInfo | Contains metadata for saving audio sessions to and from the config |
CActionSettingDataTemplate | Extends the DataTemplate class with metadata specific to action setting data template providers |
CActionTargetSpecifier | Specifies the target(s) of a hotkey action |
CConfig | Contains the application configuration and logic to read from and write to JSON files |
CEmbeddedResourceNotFoundException | Represents errors that occur while trying to access an embedded resource file |
CInputSimulator | Provides a convenient way to synthesize keystrokes and other input.
See InputSimulatorEx.InputSimulator |
CITemplateDictionaryProvider | An alternative to ITemplateProvider that can be combined with a ResourceDictionary (with a codebehind) to define many data templates in XAML and provide them for action settings based on a key string and/or value type.
XAML-defined data templates must be type ActionSettingDataTemplate, not DataTemplate.
Set ActionSettingDataTemplate.ValueType to the type of value that the data template supports |
CITemplateProvider | Provides a DataTemplate instance constructed in codebehind using FrameworkElementFactory |
CNotificationConfigSection | Configuration for a ListNotification window |
CResourceDictionaryTemplateProvider | Abstract ITemplateDictionaryProvider base implementation that inherits from ResourceDictionary |
CUser32 | Contains various functions from user32.dll |
▼NCoreAudio | |
►NEvents | |
CPreviewSessionIsHiddenEventArgs | Event arguments for the PreviewSessionIsHiddenEventHandler event type |
CPreviewSessionIsSelectedEventArgs | Event arguments object for the PreviewSessionIsSelectedEventHandler event type |
CPreviewSessionNameEventArgs | Event arguments for the preview session name event, which allows session display names to be changed when they are added by the AudioSessionManager |
CVolumeChangedEventArgs | Contains event data for the VolumeChangedEventHandler event type |
►NHelpers | |
CAudioControlExtensions | Extension methods for any class that implements the IAudioControl interface |
CMMDeviceExtensions | Extension methods for the MMDevice class |
CVolumeLevelConverter | Exposes functions for converting between native volume level (float; 0.0-1.0) and regular volume level (int; 0-100) values |
►NInterfaces | |
CIAudioControl | Represents an audio instance with a controllable volume level and mute state |
CIAudioMultiSelector | Represents a list item multi-selector |
CIAudioPeakMeter | Represents some kind of object that has an audio peak meter |
CIAudioSelector | Represents a list item selector |
CIHideableAudioControl | Represents an audio instance that can be prevented from becoming selected |
CIReadOnlyAudioControl | Represents an audio instance with a read-only volume level and mute state |
CAudioDevice | An audio endpoint device |
CAudioDeviceManager | Manages a list of AudioDevice instances and related events |
CAudioDeviceSelector | Manages the currently "selected" AudioDevice instance for a given CoreAudio.AudioDeviceManager object |
CAudioDeviceSessionManager | Manages a list of AudioSession instances and their related events for a single CoreAudio.AudioDevice instance |
CAudioSession | A single audio session running on an audio device |
CAudioSessionManager | Manages a list of AudioSession instances and their related events for any number of AudioDeviceSessionManager instances |
CAudioSessionMultiSelector | Manages multiple "selected" audio sessions for a given CoreAudio.AudioSessionManager instance |
CAudioSessionSelector | Manages the currently "selected" AudioSession instance for a given CoreAudio.AudioSessionManager object |
▼NHotkeyActions | |
CActiveApplicationActions | Defines actions that affect the current foreground application |
CApplicationActions | |
CAudioDeviceActions | Contains hotkey action handlers that interact with AudioDevices in the Audio.AudioAPI object |
CAudioSessionActions | Contains hotkey action handlers that interact with AudioSessions in the AudioDeviceManager object |
CMediaActions | |
CSystemActions | |
▼NLog | |
►NEndpoints | |
CBaseEndpointWriter | Abstract base class for endpoint writers |
CConsoleEndpoint | Allows using the Console as a logging endpoint |
CFileEndpoint | Log endpoint that allows writing logs directly to a file on disk |
CMemoryEndpoint | A log endpoint that implements IEndpointWriter and uses a MemoryStream as an endpoint |
CPersistentFileEndpoint | Log endpoint that allows writing logs directly to a file on disk, and keeps the file stream open |
►NExceptions | |
CNotInitializedException | Represents errors that occur as a result of trying to access an object before it is initialized |
►NHelpers | |
CObjectDebugger | |
CExceptionMessageHelper | Helper methods for converting exceptions into nicely formatted strings |
CThreadedActionQueue | Manages a background thread to execute queued actions |
►NInterfaces | |
CIEndpointWriter | Represents an endpoint that text can be written to |
CILogWriter | Represents a log writer instance |
CAsyncLogWriter | Asynchonously writes messages to the log endpoint |
CFLog | Static file logger class |
CLogMessage | Represents a message to be written to the log |
▼NSDK | |
►NDataTemplates | |
CDataTemplateDictionary | Provides all of the default DataTemplate instances used by the built-in hotkey actions |
NDelegates | |
►NInternal | |
CInitializer | Initializes VCAPI.Default |
CVCEvents | Defines events that are used by the program to perform various actions |
CVCAPI | The primary interaction point for the Volume Control API.
See the VCAPI.Default property for more information.
▼NTypeExtensions | |
CArrayExtensions | Extensions for generic array types |
CBoolExtensions | Extension methods for the bool type |
CCollectionExtensions | Extension methods for ICollection<T> |
CEnumerableExtensions | Extensions for the IEnumerable interface type |
CEnumExtensions | Extensions for any Enum type |
CInt32Extensions | Extensions for the int integral type |
CIReadOnlyListExtensions | Extension methods for the IReadOnlyList<T> interface |
CListExtensions | Extensions for the generic List<T> object |
CMathExt | Methods for various mathematics operations not covered by Math |
CNullableBoolExtensions | Extends nullable boolean and byte types with conversion methods |
CPointExtensions | Extends the System.Drawing.Point & System.Windows.Point structs |
CProcessExtensions | Extension methods for the Process class |
CRealNumberExtensions | Extensions for floating-point number types |
CReflectionExtensions | Extension methods that use C#'s reflection capabilities |
CStringExtensions | Extensions for string types |
CTimerExtensions | Extensions for the System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer object |
CTypeExtensions | Extends the Type class with additional methods |
CWinFormsInterop | Extension methods for WinForms-WPF interoperation |
▼NWPF | |
►NAnimations | |
CBrushAnimation | Animation type that transitions between two arbitrary Brush instances |
►NBehaviors | |
CDisableMouseWheelBehavior | Behavior that prevent the mouse wheel from triggering events |
CEscapeRemovesFocusBehavior | Removes logical and/or keyboard focus from the attached control when the Escape key is pressed |
CHyperlinkOpenInBrowserBehavior | Hyperlink behavior that opens the link in the default browser |
CMouseWheelListViewBehavior | Behavior<T> that enables the mouse wheel to increment/decrement the selected item in a ListView |
CMouseWheelNumericUpDownBehavior | Behavior<T> that enables the mouse wheel to change the value of NumericUpDown controls |
CMouseWheelRangeBaseBehavior | Behavior<T> that enables the mouse wheel to change the value of controls based on RangeBase |
CScrollViewerHorizontalScrollBehavior | Scrolls horizontally when scrolling while holding SHIFT in TextBoxBase controls |
CTextBoxAutocompleteBehavior | Behavior that implements autocomplete suggestions for TextBox controls |
CTextBoxEnterUpdatesTextSourceBehavior | Forces the TextBox.Text property's data binding to update its source when the Enter key is pressed or released |
CTextBoxHorizontalScrollBehavior | Scrolls horizontally when scrolling while holding SHIFT in TextBoxBase controls |
CTextBoxInputFilterBehavior | TextBox behavior that uses regular expressions to only allow certain types of input |
►NBindings | |
CMultiBinding | Easy multibinding markup pseudo-extension |
►NCollections | |
CObservableCollectionObject | |
CObservableList | |
CObservableImmutableList | |
CObservableImmutableListExtension_Sort | Extends the ObservableImmutableList<T> class with sorting methods |
►NControls | |
CDataGridWithoutNavKeys | A DataGrid that ignores KeyDown events for Key.Enter, allowing other controls to receive them without the focused control changing |
CNumericUpDown | |
►CTextBoxWithCompletionOptions | Interaction logic for TextBoxWithCompletionOptions.xaml |
CCommittedTextEventArgs | Event arguments for the CommittedTextEventHandler event type |
CSuggestionClickedEventArgs | Event arguments for the SuggestionClickedEventHandler event type |
►NConverters | |
CArrayHasItemsBooleanConverter | Converts from an arbitrary array of items to a boolean value that depends on whether the array is empty or not.
When the array is empty, returns false ; when the array has at least one item, returns true |
CBooleanInverter | Binding converter for boolean types that negates the expression |
CBoolToBrushConverter | Converts between bool and given Brush instances |
CBoolToThicknessConverter | Converts from bool types to thickness types |
CBoolToCheckVisibleConverter | Converts from bool types to visibility types |
CConverterChain | Any number of IValueConverter objects that are used in assembly-line fashion on a given value |
CEnumHasFlagConverter | Converts from an enum value to bool depending on the flag value specified as a converter parameter |
CListHasItemsBooleanConverter | Converts from an arbitrary list of items to a boolean value that depends on whether the list is empty or not.
When the list is empty, returns false ; when the list has at least one item, returns true |
CMultiBindingBooleanConverter | IMultiValueConverter for multiple boolean inputs that accepts and returns a list of booleans.
Any non-boolean types are converted using Convert.ToBoolean(object) |
CNullToBooleanConverter | Converts from any object type to bool depending on whether or not that object is null |
CSquaredCornerRadiusConverter | This converter removes specific rounded corners depending on the Squared property.
Converts from CornerRadius to CornerRadius |
CTagDoubleConverter | |
►NCustomMessageBox | |
CCustomMessageBox | Interaction logic for CustomMessageBox.xaml |
CCustomMessageBoxButton | A button for use in a CustomMessageBox |
CCustomAdorner | |
CCustomMessageBoxStyle | Defines the appearance of a CustomMessageBox window |
CCustomMessageBoxData | Data model for CustomMessageBox windows |
►NExtensions | |
CDispatcherExtensions | |
CWindowPositioningExtensions | Extension methods for the Window class and other helper functions for manipulating screen space coordinates and positioning windows |
►NMessageHooks | |
CWpfMaximizeBugFixHook | Provides a window message hook that fixes a bug when maximizing WPF windows that use WindowStyle.None |
CWpfTiltScrollHook | Provides a window message hook that adds support for horizontal scrolling with tiltable mouse wheels |
►NPInvoke | |
CRECT | Win32 |
CBindableTimer | |
CDataTemplateTypeBinding | ViewModel object for creating a dictionary-style list of System.Type <=> System.Windows.DataTemplate bindings in XAML |
CDataTemplateTypeBindingSelector | DataTemplateSelector implementation that selects templates from a list of DataTemplateTypeBinding objects |
CFilteredTextItemsSource | Helper object for creating autocomplete suggestion dropdowns for textboxes |
CMouseWheelHorizontalEventArgs | Event arguments for horizontal mouse wheel events |
CHorizontalScroll | WPF attached event for receiving horizontal scroll events sent by tiltable mouse wheels |
CVisualTreeHelpers | Additional helper methods for navigating the visual tree |
CWindowHandleGetter | Helper object for C# Class Libraries being unable to get the current WPF window handle |